
How To Keep Your Children Safe During The Spooky Season?

Spooky season can be great fun for many, but others, especially younger children, may find it scary, overwhelming, and even feel unsafe. If you are looking for ways to keep your children safe during the spooky season there are some easy ways to prepare and still remain engaged with activities and other kids and families. Start with finding some child friendly events, locate or design a safe and comfortable costume if you are dressing up, and set up the house to be a safe space to decompress.

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How To Teach Meditation For Kids? How Does It Regulate Emotions?

Are your kids having problems managing their big feelings in those little bodies? This is something that is normal and very common for all kids, and it is the job of parents to help them navigate and learn to express those emotions in a healthy way. By teaching kids meditation, you can provide them with the tools that they need to slow down their thoughts and process through their feelings while communicating them, avoid meltdowns and prevent overwhelm, and promote ongoing mental health throughout their life.

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Myopia In Children: Symptoms And Treatments Every Parent Should Know

Common in both adults and children, myopia, also known as near sightedness, is not reversable but can be improved. If you notice symptoms of myopia in your child there are a few things that you can do to improve the condition, or to keep it from worsening, both at home and with a professional.

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Simple And Creative Toys To Grow Kid’s Imagination

If you are worried about maintaining imagination in this world that is moving more and more online, there are many creative toys available to help. The best toys for imagination play are those that can be used for many different things, and these are often simple, wooden or plastic, and battery free. When selecting toys it is important to choose some that will encourage creativity and imagination for the development of any child.

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What Is Mindful Eating? How To Practice Mindful Eating For Families?

Have you heard of mindful eating and wondered how it would fit into your life, or the benefits of it? It’s a process of eating food that your body wants, focusing on the food and its taste, texture, and other attributes, and respecting your body signals on hunger and fullness. By engaging in mindful eating for your family you can enjoy all these benefits as well as a stronger bond with your family.

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What Is Mindfulness For Kids? How To Teach Mindfulness To Kids?​

Mindfulness has benefits not only for adults but for the whole family. It can increase emotional regulation, can slow down thoughts, improve sleep and eating habits, and create a healthier and happier home for everyone. There are many ways to practice mindfulness, and some are ideal for children of varying ages, allowing you to bring peace to your home.

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Why Kids Need Lazy Days? What Are The Benefits?

If you are feeling burnt out, or like you are rushing from place to place frequently, then you might benefit as much as your children from having a lazy day at home. While in the past parents have been encouraged to keep their kids busy and sign them up for a sport, a musical instrument, and an art, it can quickly become too much for both parents and kids. It is actually very beneficial for children and families to have lazy days and to spend time at home with no set tasks or activities. It can foster imagination and creativity, form closer bonds between siblings and within the family, and it provides time to rest and reset before beginning another busy period. You may find children who have these rest days to sleep better, handle stress better, and become bored less easily.

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Why Is Yoga Good For Kids? 5 Best Yoga Poses For Kids​

Are you finding that your kids are struggling to get out their energy? Are they struggling to concentrate or becoming overwhelmed after activities or school? All of these things can be helped through the use of Yoga and especially some poses that are ideal for kids and can keep them engaged and help them enjoy the experience. You don’t need a professional for beginning a Yoga practice with kids, but it does help to view the poses and learn how to transition from one to the other in order to reduce risk of injury.

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